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Browsing trough catalogs are fun. We have created an archive with our sold items. Enjoy!

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Lehmann,Turtle Susi.

Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Turtle made by Lehmann,Germany between 1938 og 1945 (Prod no.827).A wind up toy.Very good condition.Working perfect.L=12 cm/5 inch
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Delivery van made by Greppet & Kelch,Tyskland.

Category: Antique Tinplate cars, ships, airplanes and motorbikes
Delivery van made by Greppert and Kelch in the 30ties.Tin plate.Wind up.Working perfect.In an acceptable good condition.L=14 cm/5,5 inch.
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Boy on Turtle.Wind up toy.

Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
A wind up tin plate toy:boy on turtle.Probably made by Gama,Germany in the 30ties.Very good condition and working perfect.L= 15 cm/6 inch.Legoland collection.
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Airplane and hangar from Distler,Germany.

Category: Antique Tinplate cars, ships, airplanes and motorbikes
Little airplane and a hangar made by Distler,Germany in the 30ties.It is made of tin plate.All are in a fine shape,but the handle for the hangar is not originally. Measure:B=12/4,8 L=13/5,2 H=7/3,7 cm/inch.
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Horse drawn military penny toy. Meier,Germany.

Category: Penny Toys
Horse drawn military penny toy made by Meier,Germany about 1914.Tin Plate.Fine condition. L= 15 cm/5,9 inch For further information se,Pressland,Penny Toys,p.38ff.
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Zeppelin made by Lehmann.

Category: Antique Tinplate cars, ships, airplanes and motorbikes
Zeppelin EPL i made by Lehmann,Germany between 1910 and 1941.A wind up tin plate, very good condition
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Penny toy lizard made by Einfalt,Germany ca 1928

Category: Penny Toys
Penny toys lizard made by Gebr.Einfalt,Germany about 1928 in tin plate.The parts of the body are moving .Very fine condition.L. 12 cm/4" See David Pressland,Penny Toys,London 1991.
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Birgitte paperdoll

Category: Old Paper dolls,Klippdocker, Papirdukker
Birgitte magazine paperdoll from Denmark Hjemmet 1925 . Original. Fin stand.
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Antique Toys & Dolls · St. Strandstræde 20 · DK-1255 Copenhagen K · Phone: +45 3312 6632